Wednesday 27 November 2013

Basketball Update

Yesterday, the 19th of November, four St. Als' basketball teams travelled to Glanmire to play four teams from Youghal.

The first team to play was the older Under 19 team captained by sixth year Eimear Lane. They played brilliantly and their hard work earned them St. Als' first win of the day.

The next St. Als' team to take to the court was the Under 16 B team captained by Niamh Murphy. Although they put in their best efforts, the Youghal team this time came away with the win.

The Under 16 C team was captained by third years Niamh Olden and Niamh Wall and this game was a thrilling game to watch. Both teams were very close in score until the final whistle. Unfortunately, Youghal  once again came away with the win.

The final team to play was the younger under 19 team captained by TY Laura Hinchliffe. The day finished with another amazing win for St. Aloysius', as this team played excellently and won by a significant amount.

Although not all of our teams were victorious, they all tried their best and deserve to be congratulated for their hard work!

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