Wednesday 27 November 2013

Junior Camogie

Yesterday our Junior camogie team had a county semi final against St.Mary's of Macroom. This match was a replay as we had drawn 1.9 to 3.3 in the previous match. We were all very nervous for this match as we knew how good they were however after the first ten minutes we had built up a comfortable lead. With nearly all our forwards and midfielders scoring points and goals throughout the game we were very happy In the last five minutes however St.Mary's scored two goals which  made us very nervous but thankfully we  held out and manged to win the match with a few goals to spare!  

1 comment:


Hi everyone, we're the new TYs for 2013/2014.

Our mission is to get students more involved in the day-to-day activities in St. Als and to show them how much fun we have in TY! First years to sixth years, watch out for our weekly updates.

Keep us posted if you have any new ideas for the blog. Hope ye enjoy it as much as we do!