Wednesday 13 November 2013

Advice to 3rd Years

To all the worried third years,

We wanted to give you some advice about the Junior Cert!
I know you have all cringed at the dreaded words but it is definitely not as bad as it seems. We know every teacher has already said it to you to start studying but the more you do now the better!

I know it is really hard to get yourself motivated to even open a book but just keep in mind the feeling you will have when you open your results on in September 2014, I know its seems like a age away but,believe me it will come in no time!

I definitely think if you are organised and up to date on homework, life would be much easier and you will feel not as stressed as the person who has their sheets thrown at the bottom of their bag!

If you have any queries involving exams or have any other questions don't be afraid to ask questions here!(remember this can be done anonymously).

lots of love,

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