Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Ash Wednesday and Easter!

Hey everybody Sinead here!

Today is Ash Wednesday and I was busy this morning going around the school with Aoife and Ciara to give out ashes.

Its now the beginning of Lent and many people are giving up different things such as sweets,chocolate, fizzy drinks. Some people are also taking on a activity such as reading or exercising. so whatever your doing make it worth it for Easter Sunday when you can eat all your Easter eggs!!

If your would like to make eggs like the ones in the picture above here is a recipe!

10 drops food coloring1 teaspoon white vinegar1/2 cup boiling water1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)glitter (optional)white craft glue (optional)


For each dye bath combine 1/2 cup boiling water with 1 tsp vinegar and 10 drops of food coloring in a bowl. Start with 5 drops red and 5 drops yellow, for orange for example, or 6 drops blue and 4 drops green for turquoise.

Dip hard-cooked eggs in dye bath for 3-5 minutes, extend time for richer color. Try using tongs to dip only half an egg in one color, then dip other half in a different color.

Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove eggs and place on wax paper to dry, blot any excess with a paper towel.

For tie dyed eggs, add 1 tbsp olive oil to the mixture and stir with a fork. Roll egg gently in bath to pick of streaks of color. Remove egg from bath and blot oil off with a paper towel, then dry on wax paper. Once dry, lightly dip in another color if desired.

For glitter eggs, brush dried dyed egg with a thin layer of craft glue. Spoon glitter over egg, allow to dry on wax paper. To put glitter on only part of an egg (half blue, half red for example), use masking tape over the un-glittered part (or use stickers for shapes) and once dry remove masking tape and glue/glitter the remaining area.

For letters, numbers or shapes use small vinyl stickers (office or hardware supplies) and place them on the egg before dying. Once slightly dry peel off stickers gently. You can also use a white crayon to write names or draw pictures.

If you plan to eat your easter eggs, never leave them unrefrigerated at any point for more than 2 hours.

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