Wednesday 20 November 2013

My Work Experience

Stein Study - My Work Experience!

On Wednesday the 6th of November I traveled to Dublin to take part in work experience with Stein Study. They are a language company who run language exchanges.
My task was to advertise them along with two other girls. We marketed their company by launching their Stein Study Sheep. We launched a competition to name the sheep.We went through Dublin taking pictures of the 'Stein Study Sheep'. Finally we made a vine with our sheep.

Overall I got to see what it's like to work with languages and this would be something I would really enjoy!

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Hi everyone, we're the new TYs for 2013/2014.

Our mission is to get students more involved in the day-to-day activities in St. Als and to show them how much fun we have in TY! First years to sixth years, watch out for our weekly updates.

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