Friday 4 October 2013

Ardmore Adventure

Hi everyone, Chloe here.

I just wanted to give ye all the 'inside scoop' of our trip to Ardmore activity centre and how much fun we had!

So last Monday, the 23rd of September, two of our four TY groups ventured off to Ardmore for the day. We had to leave the school at 8:30am, so as you can imagine we were all half asleep. The morning wasn't the brightest either which added to our gloominess. We arrived at Ardmore and it was absolutely freezing! We had to wait out in the cold for a couple of minutes for the instructors and then we were split up into two groups.

Our group started with the climbing wall, we got into our harnesses (boy did we look silly!) and got started straight away. When I was younger I went to Lego Land and they also have a climbing wall around the same height, now I couldn't do it what so ever, I got my foot on the first step and got off. This time though... I still couldn't do it! I made it about half way and then I jumped down because I couldn't reach the next thing for my hand (as my arms are too short). It was still great 'craic' and we all had a few goes each. Some of the girls even made it to the top. It was so embarrassing though, the woman there was telling us that even seven year old could do it and there's us complaining that it's too difficult.

We went onto archery next; our instructor (who looked like a farmer) was Pat. We split up into teams of 4 and one team of 3, which was myself Natasha and Kelly. We each got a target, did a few practice shots and then started a competition. Our class are extremely competitive so there was a lot of noise! We all took turns taking shots, getting points for a few rounds and then Pat switched it up a bit... He made it so that you shoot another teams target and whatever amount of points you get, gets deducted off of their total. At this stage we were the winning team by about 120 points so everyone went for us and our score went down to like 20 or something. We went back to hitting our own targets but this time the scores were switched up, we got a few points there put not enough to get out of coming last.. Sad face.

We did a few team-building mini games, including one where you use drain shoots to direct a ball into a bucket... It was a complete fail! But hilarious at the same time. We did another one where you have to get across a rope by moving along blocks without stepping off the blocks, it was a lot harder than it sounds. The last was a challenge with balancing a bunch of nails on one nail stuck into a block.

Finally we did orienteering... I can literally hear ye all going, BORING!!! But... it was actually very fun; we were able to go all around the town on our own. Using clues that we had to either memorize or take a picture of. Then we set off trying to find each point, it took us a half hour to get them all but it was fun.

So that was our amazing trip to Ardmore activity centre, we have plenty of photos to put up from the day so check them out! Thanks for reading guys and keep an eye on the blog for more news and update. 

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Hi everyone, we're the new TYs for 2013/2014.

Our mission is to get students more involved in the day-to-day activities in St. Als and to show them how much fun we have in TY! First years to sixth years, watch out for our weekly updates.

Keep us posted if you have any new ideas for the blog. Hope ye enjoy it as much as we do!