Tuesday 26 March 2013

Easter Holidays! (Getting ready for Gaisce walk)

Hey everyone, Fiona R here. I just wanted to check in and hope everyone is having a great Easter holidays. I've taken off to Kerry for the week with my dad. At the moment I'm out on Valentia Island getting a bit of practice in for the Gaisce walk (don't forget to get out and practice TYs, seriously!) That's right everybody...I'm blogging from a mountain. Y'know, as you do. I was pretty shocked to get reception out here, but anyway. I gotta say it is freezing! Snow, sleet, rain. This mountain has it all. It's worth it though, to be honest. The views are amazing.
Chillin' on a mountain...
...as you do
Anyway, I just thought I'd give you a little insight into how my holiday was going and to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter. Whether you're at home, under a blanket with a cup of tea or out climbing mountains like me, I hope you enjoy your time off and make the most of the holidays.
Happy Easter guys!

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Hi everyone, we're the new TYs for 2013/2014.

Our mission is to get students more involved in the day-to-day activities in St. Als and to show them how much fun we have in TY! First years to sixth years, watch out for our weekly updates.

Keep us posted if you have any new ideas for the blog. Hope ye enjoy it as much as we do!