Wednesday, 12 December 2012

X Factor here we come!

So, on Friday the 30th November, our very own Cór na Carrige journeyed from Carrig up to the RTE Studio in Dublin to preform on The Late Late Toy Show! After enduring the 2 and a half hour long bus trip, they arrived at the studio with great energy and excitement.They were given their very own dressing room, performers passes and all the luxuries of  stars in the making!

After settling into their first class dressing room, they headed down to the RTE canteen to eat a gourmet meal of chicken and chips.Once they were ready they went to the Green room where all the other performers of the night were. There was a t.v in each corner of the room so everyone who wasn't on stage could watch the Toy Show, even though the set (and Ryan Tubirdy!) were in the room right next door!

The girls were going on very last so they spent the night chatting with the other performers, watching the Toy Show, practicing and trying not to freak out. When the time finally came, they were ushered into the studio. They could hear Ryan talking and everyone clapping and cheering. They took their positions on the set, some of the girls even getting to go into a castle high up on the set. When the cameras focused on them they gave it all they had and sang an amazing rendition of "Carol of the Bells" with Edel Cashman starting it with a great solo. When the song was over they joined in singing "Santa Clause is coming to Town" to end the show.

It was an amazing experience for the choir and first of many to come! Watch this space...

1 comment:


Hi everyone, we're the new TYs for 2013/2014.

Our mission is to get students more involved in the day-to-day activities in St. Als and to show them how much fun we have in TY! First years to sixth years, watch out for our weekly updates.

Keep us posted if you have any new ideas for the blog. Hope ye enjoy it as much as we do!